Memento was great. It was my favorite. There are three reasons why I liked Memento. The first reason why I liked it so much was because I like how Lenny was so determined to find his wife's murderer. This showed that he was very brave and that he loved his wife very much, and it showed how he was an honorable man. He never gave up. I thought that was sweet. Secondly, I liked memento so much because I like how it back tracked. I know that it was confusing but it is totally understandable after the first couple of back tracks. I thought it was so cute how the director who made the movie made him so that he would be so cute and innocent after he just got angry with somone. It was nice how he wrote everything down for the next time period that he will forget about, and tatooed himself, and took pictures of everything just to remember things in the next period of time. I liked how it was sort of sneaky. When Teddy was setting him up the whole time and Lenny never even knew about it so he would kill the wrong guy, and how he didn't know that he was the one who actually killed his wife, or it was assumed so. It was definitely shocking at the end, but so was the usual suspects. I actually think that the usual suspects was more shocking at the end but I have to admit that Memento is my favorite.