well, as you may know that my blog is connected to some links. My two favorite links are the tyra banks website and the passions website. A long time ago since watching cycle 6 in Americas next top model, which Tyra Banks hosts, I had always wanted to become a model. I got so interested that I would litterely try and make myself more suited. I tried toning up on my abs, I tried some acne stuff, and I even learned the walk. I always dreamed of walking the catwalk, but people told me Im too short to be a runway model. Well any way I was reading the tyra banks link and I found out something cool about modelling. Trya has some advice on modelling and since its not my advice but im using it on my blog id like everyone who is interested in modelling to check it out. also I am going to talk about it right now. Tyra says on her website that having the looks is not just what the modelling agencies want from you. you have to be at least 5,9. Modelling agencies represents models by finding them work. Tyra says that the agency usually collects 20 percent of the models earnings and in her letter she said its called commisions. She also said be wary of agencies that ask for money up front and be concerned about reputation of that agency. So pretty much shes saying that modelling is not easy. They expect so much from you. That s pretty much all of the facts she said but I think its great advice. I know ill never be a model but If I ever did I would take her advice.
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