Im reading this book and its called sleep in heavenly peace. Its about this woman named Dianne Odell. THats not her maiden name. Her maiden name is Dianne Molina. This is actually a true story. She grew up in a house where her father was abusive,both sexually and physically. Her mother is also abusive. Mostly emotionally abusive. She also had lots of step brothers and a real brother. When Dianne was like eleven Her step brother raped her. She had to live in a house where she was constantly hurt. Her father repeatedly raped her day and night. Her mother knew about this and did nothing. Finally her mother decided to leave and she took Dianne with her. Later her father would visit and Dianne would be alone and he raped her and got her pregnant. Later she told her mother but she did not care, only said that she figured that would happen. Dianne now in her teens was forced into prostitution by her mother. She did not want to do this and said that she was going to move back in with her father. But when she went over to her fathers to ask him he just said "give me time to think about it" and when he did he drank whiskey and got drunk. So he beat her and told her no. this unfortunaltey killed her baby whom she was going to call mathew. She discarded the baby in a suitcase and kept it in a closet. SHe moved back in with her mother who put her into prostitution immediatley. So there she was turning tricks for her mother because her mother couldn't work and needed money. Finally in her twenties she had her second baby and when she went into labor and had the baby she passed out and woke up to find her baby dead beside her. THen later on she had another baby and the same thing happened. THen smae wioth a third. Now DIanne says that HEr mother did all this . She carried these babies in boxes with her wherever she went. Finally in 2003 Police caught her and questioned her about it. She confessed and now shes in jail. But I havn't read the whole story. But I sometimes don't think that she did it. Becasue her mother was not such a nice mother. And Dianne had to live with her mother sho tormented her and said that she was going to kill the kids that DIanne has now. SHe did this until the day she died. How sick of a book eh? comment on it.
are you retarded?
LMAO This person very well could be.
The Reason She Was Convicted Was Because She Confessed She Heard All 3 Babies Gasp For Air And Cry. She Lied About "Passing Out" And About Them Being Born "Still Born". They Died Because She Wanted A Perfect Family With The Fathers Of The Babies, But Didn't Get It So She Killed Them.
She's A Baby Killer.
Hey Dianne, she meant to say your grandma's mom who died. The person who wrote article has bad writing and might not have the proper knowledge about writing a sentence, soooo don't let people bother you. You know the truth and thats all that counts.
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