A man was charged with the muder of an 18 year old girl. She was ambushed in a parking lot. Isn't that sad? THe thing that's sad is that the man who was suspected of killing her was known to be a nice guy and he was also known to be a family man type of guy who looked so innocent, and was even trusted to be around his neighbors kids. His neighbor let him play with them. See thats the thing about pshyco's, they seem like the "All American or all Canadian guy" , but is he? people just see what's on the outside . I guess people arne't going to like spy on everything he does, because you just can't suspect somone as a murderer. When you first look at somone, I think it depends on what they look like. If they look dirty and have this look on them, then it's easier to tell. But this guy had nothing wrong with him. he looked normal. He was genuine and even would fix the tire on his neighbors car. He did things for people and always talked with respect. But a human being does'nt have the capacity to look just a little deeper into the lives of people. The most normal people aren't normal at all, they just don't let people know it. It's sick.
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