I happen to like both. well maybe bigger purses. I have a purse and its huge. Like I litterley stick books and whatever I can get in there. ITs gold and it s cute. But I hate those enormous purses that could be used for back packing. There crazy. But then again if Im going out somewhere nice I take a smaller purse because it is not fun trying to carry 50 pound purse. Also its just easier because then you don't have to put alot of things in it. I like it and Im quite content with it. IT just seems that Big purses are the in thing now. Like I look in a magazine and all I see is all the celebrities wearing big purses. My sister has this really big purse and its litterley like the size of her whole top half of her body. Any ways it was pretty random but I thought it kind of had something to do with the media since thats all you see on tv and in magazines. Well I don't know. You guys will have to comment.
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