i just hate this. How they make such a big thing out of sharks. Okay ya maybe you should get out of the water. but chances is that that creature is not going to hurt you and they are just travellers. I mean, there is the occassional shark attacks but only five people a year actually do not make it through a shark attack. why are people so afraid of them? It is a myth that they are man eating machines. This is entirely not true. I love these animals and I think that they are being mid understood. But then again I almost love all animals. THey actually have evolved into smaller animals then they once were maybe a couple thousand years ago. They were huge then. Now there like five times smaller. and less likey to make a meal out of a human. They are much more intersted in other fish. the myth began like in the 16 oos or the 17 oos when there was a shark attack and it was brutal. Fisherman back then called them sea dogs. They are powerful like dogs. Dogs are known to be a big animal and powerful. like a wolf. So for the ocean, they are like dogs. ecept they are not at all that bad. any one who works with them in any way would agree with me unless they were poaching them. people panic when they are swimming or scuba diving, when they see one. ya its scary but if you panic they are goingto get mad. YOu wanna know something. I think they know how much they are being misunderstood. Thats what makes them even worse in the public world. They see ancesters and family get snared by hooks and line. YOu never know they are getting more intelligent by day. Soon they'll be so smart they will develop something that people is going to be talkinga bout untill they die. It s defintly going to change the perspective. so the next ime you go swimming in the ocean or you never have and want to sometime in your life, and you see one, don't panic and enjoy the feeling of being near them. And the thing that ticks me off is the fact that the media makes it worse for people and the sharks. it makes it worse for the people becuse soon people are never going to wanna swim with them again.
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