this is Lindsay Hartley/korman. She is my favorite character in passions, my favorite soap opera. Her name is theresa lopez fitzgerald on the show. I like her because she knows what she wants and she's smart. She married a man named allister crane, he is evil and mean and likes to drive families and friends apart. If she didn't he was going to make sure she never saw her son again. But she is in love with Ethan withrop and he loves her. After ethan getting a divorce and allister being dead, they can finally be together. But only one thing is wrong. There is a mystery black mailer and he knows her secret. Ethan is actually her sons father, and the black mailer wants her to marry jared or he is going to expose her secret. Her brother Luis lopez fitzgerald is being accused of raping fancy crane, the granddaughter of allister crane, and killing two other people. He did not do this but the black mailer is so twisted and knows everything everyone in harmony does. He can see through doors litterely. Thresea blew her chance by sleeping with ethan even though she is married to jared now. SO now Luis is being executed and there brother migeul is being sentenced to prison for the rest of his life becasue he was accused for running fox crane over with his car. he did not do this and everyone knows this but the black mailer is so sick in the head. Hes out to get Theresa and her family. The weird thing about the black mailer is that in the show he is shown as a girl and a guy. Kind of. Sometimes you will see them wearing a skirt and sometimes the hands of the black mailer show nail polish, usually red, and they are long. Its actually scary. But thats what gets people suspicious. Theresa is very scared and doesnt know what to do. And she thinks that she should just give up hope. Ethan is always telling her that they can beat this black mailer together. I think that Theresa should not give up hope. Someday before the show ends I hope that she and Ethan will get back together and she will divorce Jared. I hope everyone likes my post.